SDSC – 2019 Statewide Drilling Contract
The work under this three year contract consists of exploration of subsurface conditions at various locations in the State of Maryland. Hillis-Carnes provides drilling equipment and certified drillers and helpers. All work is performed under Task Order assignments from the Maryland State Highway Administration (MDSHA) and includes earth borings with augers, split barrel sampling, core borings, in-situ testing, laboratory testing, testing and inspections, utility locating, maintenance and control of traffic, boring data entry and quality control checking of output, and all related Geotechnical services.
All drilling, in-situ testing, testing and inspections, boring data entry and quality control checking of output, and laboratory testing is performed using Hillis-Carnes in-house employees and equipment. All maintenance and control of traffic and utility locating is provided by local minority business subcontractors. We have been teaming to provide these Geotechnical Drilling services to the State of Maryland for 20+ years.