M&T Bank Stadium
Hillis-Carnes provided complete construction inspection services for this 68,000 seat professional football stadium, utility roads and the light rail pedestrian bridge. This project was staffed with up to 30 construction inspectors and was designed and built as a fast track project. Hillis-Carnes’ role was expanded to include foundation inspection of Hel-Cor pipes. Additionally, Hillis-Carnes provided testing and inspection services for utilities, concrete, waterproofing, reinforcing steel, masonry, precast concrete, structural steel, miscellaneous steel, soils, pavements, and steel coatings. The volume of soil excavated for the center of the stadium, service level, and surrounding site roadways and parking was approximately 550,000 cubic yards. During this mass excavation, petroleum contaminated soils were encountered. Hillis-Carnes provided Phase II environmental services which included field monitoring of excavated soils using Photo-Ionization Detectors, soil sampling, transportation of soil samples to a Maryland certified laboratory for analysis, delineation of soil contamination for off-site disposal at an approved waste disposal site. Hillis-Carnes was on site 100% of the time during all construction activities.