Lorien Padonia Development
Hillis-Carnes was contracted to provide Environmental Consulting Services, specifically a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), in connection with providing financing for the Site, Lorien Padonia, for residential redevelopment. The assessment included a Vapor Encroachment Screening (VES), completing a HUD 4128 Form, and a Due Diligence checklist for the property. At the time of the assessment, the site consisted of 5.5 acres of undeveloped land. The scope of work included site reconnaissance, an area reconnaissance, a regulatory database review, a historical record search, and interviews. A few months later, Hillis-Carnes was contracted to provide a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Update (ESA) for the property for the same reason of providing financing for the site for residential redevelopment. Both assessments revealed no evidence of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) in connection with the site.
In addition, Hillis-Carnes provided Geotechnical Engineering Services. Hillis-Carnes has previously prepared a geotechnical report for the project in March of 2008. The services provided by Hillis-Carnes included visually observing the site to verify that site conditions are the same as those present at the time of our subsurface exploration (that no grading or other apparent construction has occurred), reviewing our previous engineering analyses, and preparing this update letter concerning the previous geotechnical report. No additional subsurface exploration was performed during the course of this work. A Hillis-Carnes representative visited the site to observe the existing site conditions. Based on our review of the previous report, it is our professional opinion that the evaluations and recommendations provided in our original geotechnical report for the project remain valid.
In the winter of 2021, the Lorien Property became the home of the Towns at Padonia, a community that offers 26 brand-new flats and townhomes.
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