Lincoln Middle School
Hillis-Carnes provided Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services for the expansion and renovations to the existing Lincoln Middle School located in the City of Lancaster. The project included a 90,000 SF, three-story academic wing and the demolition and construction of new common areas, including an auditorium and cafeteria, which opened in the Spring of 2020.
The project site is underlain by limestone (Karst), and rock was encountered at shallow depths, which impacted foundation (spread footings) construction. Hillis-Carnes consulted on rock removal at foundation elevations. A localized area of contaminated soil was encountered on the site, and our environmental scientists assisted in determining the extent of the contamination and consulted with the Owner and contractors regarding best practices when it came time to remove the material from the site. Hillis-Carnes also provided construction testing and special inspection services, including verification of bearing capacity of spread footing foundation, reinforcing steel, cast-in-place concrete, masonry, and structural steel, including ultrasonic testing of full penetration welds.