Harrisburg International Airport Berm
Hillis-Carnes provided Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services for the rehabilitation of the flood dike and levee system at Harrisburg International Airport. The Susquehanna Area Regional Airport Authority’s (SARAA) levee at Harrisburg International Airport was constructed in 1958 to prevent flooding from the Susquehanna River over the airport’s runway. Since its construction, only minor maintenance and repair work has been performed on the levee. The project will improve drainage by rehabilitating 13,025 feet of the system along the river.
Hillis-Carnes provided the concrete and soils testing related to the rehabilitation of the existing berm at the Harrisburg International Airport, which includes the installation of an ACB mat system. The scope of work included the testing and inspections of mass grading/fill placement, utilities, and cast-in-place concrete. Hillis-Carnes provided a geotechnical and materials engineer to review, analyze, compile, and evaluate test results, in addition to providing technical recommendations when needed.
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