Clark Street Bridge Monitoring
Hillis-Carnes was contracted to perform Geotechnical Engineering for this $6.3 million bridge replacement of the Clark Street Bridge in Arlington, Virginia. The project consists of demolishing the elevated portion of S. Clark Street between 12th Street and 20th Street S, updating/improving the existing roadway, and upgrading traffic signals at 20th Street S and Route 1. Hillis-Carnes provided Instrumentation and Monitoring services for the bridge replacement and improvements being made to the existing roadway. This also included existing structures and site features adjacent to the demolition, including adjacent roadway lanes, WMATA facilities, tracks, and tunnels.
In addition to providing Geotechnical Engineering services for the Clark Street Bridge, Hillis-Carnes is currently performing Construction Materials Testing and Inspection services. The scope of work includes the testing and inspections of mass grading/backfill, concrete placement, and asphalt.
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