Cabin Branch
The Cabin Branch neighborhood is located east of Clarksburg Road, west of Interstate 270 and north of West Old Baltimore Road in Clarksburg, MD. The project is a mixed-use residential housing and commercial development, and includes private roadways, utilities, and stormwater management facilities. It is a 540-acre property that will ultimately have 2,386 houses (1,886 homes and 500 senior units) and 2.4 million SF of retail and office space. The project duration time is anticipated to be 10 to 20 years until completion.
Hillis-Carnes is currently performing Construction Materials Testing and Inspection services, which consists of earthwork, storm water management, utility construction, hot mix asphalt, keystone retaining walls, and cast-in-place concrete. Hillis-Carnes is also the Geotechnical Engineer of Record and has been performing these services for the project over the last several years.