Benjamin Banneker Park
Hillis-Carnes provided Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services for the 12.5-acre park renovation and improvements at Benjamin Banneker Park in Arlington, Virginia. The work included stormwater management facilities, widening trails, and replacing the parking lot, picnic areas, athletic field, playground, walkways, signage, furnishings, and dog park.
Hillis-Carnes performed testing and inspections of mass grading/fill placement, utilities, stormwater management facilities, spread footing foundations, cast-in-place concrete, reinforcing steel, structural steel, light-gauge structural framing, pavement, and wood framing.
Hillis-Carnes previously provided Arlington County with Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services. The services for this project involved exploring the site of work, performing laboratory tests and engineering analyses, and preparing a Geotechnical Investigation and Infiltration Test Report to assess the site conditions with respect to the planned SWM/infiltration structure. In order to accomplish these services, Hillis-Carnes performed infiltration tests at the 12 locations for the proposed SWM/infiltration structure. Eight Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Soil Exploration borings were drilled at each test location. The in-situ infiltration testing was performed in general accordance with Arlington County’s Geotechnical requirements for infiltration facilities. At the completion of all field exploration and laboratory testing, a geotechnical engineering report was prepared and submitted. The report included the logs of all test holes and a summary of the laboratory testing program results. We included our engineering analyses and recommendations for the geotechnical design and construction of the project.
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