Project Highlight – Transforming I-66 OTB

Hillis-Carnes is working with FAM Construction to provide Construction Materials Testing and Inspections for the transformation of the I-66 Outside the Beltway project, which offers new travel choices and congestion relief across a 22.5-mile stretch of I-66 from I-495 to near Route 29 in Gainesville. Transform I-66 Outside the Beltway is one of the largest megaprojects in the nation, with about $3.7 billion worth of transportation improvements to Northern Virginia’s I-66 corridor, which serves about 200,000 vehicles daily. Improvements include four new express lanes, new and expanded park-and-ride lots providing convenient access to the express lanes, more than 4,000 new park-and-ride spaces, new and improved bus service and transit routes, interchange improvements, and 11 miles of new bike and pedestrian trails including shared-use trails along I-66 that integrate with local trails. Construction began in late 2017, and the new express lanes opened in November 2022.
A skilled and experienced crew out of our Chantilly, Virginia branch office, and under the supervision of Project Manager Paul Barnes, was deployed to perform the extensive scope of work currently underway for this massive transportation project. Ahmad Ayoubi, Field Operations Supervisor, provided day-to-day scheduling, coordination, and field personnel management on the project.
Hillis-Carnes’ scope of work has included the testing and inspections of soils, mass grading/fill placement, concrete, footings, structural steel, welding, and pavement. Hillis-Carnes is performing all quality control field and laboratory material sampling and testing for acceptance of materials and products incorporated in the project and tests necessary for the approval of the construction process, including testing of borrow pits and on-site soils.