Hillis-Carnes Volunteers At Second Chance

As part of our Hillis-Carnes Community Outreach Program, Marketing Manager, Gina DePinto, and Business Development Associate, Katie Gibson, joined ~30 of their fellow NAIOP Maryland Developing Leaders last week to volunteer at the nonprofit Second Chance facility in Baltimore City. The volunteers helped sort lumber, organize inventory and display items, remove hardware from doors and nails from lumber, and assisted in other areas as needed. It was a successful and enjoyable experience to be able to work closely with the employees of Second Chance in order to help support this amazing organization’s mission.
Founded in 2001, Second Chance Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to provide green-collar job training and workforce development for Baltimore City residents who are faced with various employment barriers, including returning citizens and ex-offenders. They deconstruct homes and buildings in order to help salvage usable construction materials, and receive continuous community donations, to include various furniture items, which are all made available to the public through their 200,000 SF retail warehouse. Through these efforts, Second Chance diverts a vast amount of demolition debris from the waste stream, provides tax advantages to their home and product donors, and preserves our region’s rich architectural heritage.
For more information on how you can volunteer at Second Chance and help your local community in Baltimore City, please visit http://www.secondchanceinc.org/volunteer/.