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Harrisburg, PA Office Moves to a New Location

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, office

Hillis-Carnes is pleased to announce that our Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, office has moved to a new location. Our Harrisburg branch opened its doors in 2011, and after providing consulting engineering services for over 13 years in that area, the firm decided to move 10 miles Northeast to a larger and more convenient location. The new office is located right off of I-81 at 6951 Allentown Boulevard, Unit A, Harrisburg, PA 17112. Please update your records to match our new business location.

Our Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Branch Manager, Mr. Matt Decker, will continue to manage this branch office and provide our clients with the same multi-disciplined consulting engineering services as before.

Our firm also has locations in Pittsburgh, Lehigh Valley, State College, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to cover the rising demands of our clients across all parts of the state. PleaseĀ contact us to discuss your next project!