Box Park Warehouse
Hillis-Carnes provided Geotechnical Engineering Services and Construction Materials Testing and Inspection Services for the new construction of an approximate 1,500,000 SF warehouse with associated office space and surrounding parking in Cinnaminson, New Jersey. The warehouse was constructed on Box Park Property-Proposed Lot 3.
The geotechnical services provided by Hillis-Carnes at the Box Park Warehouse involved exploring the site of work, performing laboratory tests, engineering analyses, and the preparation of a geotechnical report. In order to accomplish these objectives, a subsurface exploration program was performed by Hillis-Carnes consisting of 17 Standard Penetration Test (SPT) soil borings and 8 Test Pits at locations. A geotechnical report was prepared and utilized in the building design and construction.
Hillis-Carnes also provided the construction material testing and inspections of mass grading/fill placement, utilities, modular/segmental retaining wall monitoring, stormwater management facilities, underground stormwater management facility, spread footing foundations, cast-in-place concrete, reinforcing steel, floor flatness/levelness, structural steel, pre-cast concrete erection, structural load-bearing masonry, and pavement.
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